Horsehair Silver Brush

Polishing silver is easy to do when you have the right tools. The Hagerty Horsehair Silver Brush is recommended by leading silversmiths as the best tool for quick, gentle cleaning and polishing of intricately patterned fine and heirloom silver. The horsehair is hand selected for the finest quality brush available. The soft bristles will not scratch silver.

Made-In-America-FlagMade in the U.S.A.

Certified Kosher by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America.Certified Kosher by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America

Hagerty Horsehair Silver Brush: The best tool for applying silver polish to the crevices of intricately patterned silver.

Curabitur fermentum quam ac quam posuere, eget blandit eros posuere. Aliquam dictum vitae nisl et blandit.

Nulla consequat, odio in tincidunt laoreet, ex tellus fringilla eros, a feugiat nisl enim at metus. Suspendisse sit amet eleifend elit. Cras convallis dignissim placerat. Nam scelerisque porta

Use the Horsehair Silver Brush to apply a liberal amount of Hagerty Silver Foam, Hagerty Silversmiths’ Wash, or Hagerty Silversmiths’ Polish to intricately designed pattern work.

The Horsehair Silver Brush may also be used to brush away dried silver polishes from hard-to-reach spaces.

One Brush, Item #10500